Fortune cookies

It is impossible to extinguish a nuclear reaction.

You should start a blog, people might actually listen to you.

Life is short. You just wasted some of it reading this sentence. 

No label can do any more than hint at the whole truth.

You hold the key, now you just have to find the right door. 

The uncertainty of the Future overwhelms you. 

Our shoes are always bigger than our feet.

With two hands full, it’s hard to scratch your nose.

A morsel of wisdom can be quite delicious. 

You have contracted salmonella.


This is strangely addictive. I may do this again some time. Yay! I’m almost up to date again!

Poem about an Owl

The owl upwind flew silent
And elusive as a ghost
His mercurial swoop went right and left
His mirrored eyes seemed lost
His prey did squander reason
Caressing the willowy light
The quiet belied the tension of
A miraculous battle of flight


Another relatively uninspiring prompt, with 8 words used: owl, upwind, squander, miraculous, willowy, mercurial, elusive, ghost

This is me

doubt I feel
my fragile self
as I sit upon the shelf
all I am  
is doing only
there a way
to balance all
dancing while no pieces fall
just tiny grains
forgotten of what
I have been
and still remain
supposedly I will regain
my footing on
the riverbed of


This was meant to be a poem beginning and ending with the same word. Well, mine are stanzas, but I think it works just the same. It reminds me of a musical structure. 

(Seems to be about) football

Draw thy foot lithe
in perilous land,
Men of the green-glade.
Others aid
a rock carried in fur.
A raid.
A symbol, sound

Way in the dell a
pebble is rising,
a new golden gap!
No diamond.
Dark waves.

Dirt on the mown lawn
Molehill wuthered over air
And my foe, dewy long-maned hair
A man, tiny and sinewy
‘Ah, men maketh roses
and raisins for drinking!’
horns Goalie

Hog is imminent
Man killed in too much time
Then fair-men calleth gray

Man or fawn
in garish military
cut off into the lawn.
Then of the golden
clap and cheering!


At first glance, this exercise seemed a little bit IM (intellectual masturbation), I almost gave it up for such, halfway through pig-translating this poem in Welsh. Then I just looked at my work and deleted/changed words that didn’t fit in with the meaning I had assigned to my poem (football). I also had to change the structure of it quite a bit for similar reasons. That poor person who wrote the original if they ever stumble on my ungainly bastardisation of their work … !
Maybe Menna Elfyn herself sent the unexpected thunderstorm which right now is raining sheets into the desert around me. As poetic as that sounds, it is incredibly true.

Hmmm. The more I reread my poem, the more sense it seems to make. Poem about football it is then.
Normally I would call it soccer, but hey, ‘fodolaeth’. Apparently this actually means existence, and for some this could be synonymous with football.
That’s enough.

Robbed of time

keep staring at the spot

                   where our clock used to be

          before we were robbed of time

(though it’s no longer hot

                   he still made my camomile tea

          not so bad after all, that husband of mine)


because we live in a timeless space

                   that strangling stress when, oh shit, we’re late!

          is replaced by the vaguer unease of not knowing

sure, there are attempts to pick up the pace

                   every morning, but we still leave it up to fate

          to decide when exactly we’re going

I am far too tired for prompts now, but I am now thinking in poetry, so you have my thoughts here.
It’s a funny thing, writing a poem a day. You (well, I) end up with these unrefined hunks of poem that you just don’t have time to polish properly. A bit like beach-combing for semi-precious gems. Or I guess we just hope we will find that huge and perfect pearl, by accident, next time.

Escape from the mall

child on a wall
mum and dad look on in
hapless adoration

lollipop clothing shop
pink green red apple shoes and frothy dresses
shocking value inflation

flourish of fabric
a thousand fragments of pattern
treasure cave of cascading temptation

copy of a historical street
pale stone, levels, carved wood
without men shaking carpets, a fair imitation

ladies fashion
incense scented, witchy polyester 
outstared by evil-eyes, tolerance inundation

glass sliding doors
the night sky at last
delicious liberation


I forgot to take a walk, so this was what I saw on my way back to the car this evening.

I would never say

I would never tell you
how you poisoned my future’s memories
fish floating belly up in bad water,
the fertile earth a wasteland

I would never say
how you took time like precious crystal
smashing it forever
I’m still stepping on the shards

I would never tell you
how much pain you caused others
drawing your own around you as
a cloak of thorns

I’ll just
try and shrug off my own cloak
tend to my bleeding feet
and bathe myself in the pure waters
of the sky

You wouldn’t listen anyway


I am behind again due to a sick baby (damn air conditioning!). Operation catch up today.